
I am linking up today with dear Amber Haines and the concrete to abstract crew. Join us here.

I don’t have the kind of scale that measures our mass. I have a house full of teenage girls, all beautiful, all athletes, all with bodies strong and sure and able to run miles beyond me. Sometimes, worry crosses their minds – they wonder if they are gaining weight that does not behoove them in their pursuits. I see them hesitate over good healthy food and I rush to cut off such foolishness. I have been that route…had it consume me in fear and later console me in some feigned sense of control. I will not let it take up with them.

So, I keep no scale about. I offer them no option to let it number and name them. We choose health and exercise and good food. And so far, that has served their bodies and minds well. They press away ridiculous amounts of sugar and fats and fully embrace the good for them meals we cook together. And that brings all kinds of relief to me, especially on the cooking front.

I hope they measure the joy in their life from being able to do as they wish as they run hard and jump high. I hope they never measure themselves with some number which does not connote health or strength. I hope they love their bodies enough to care well for them rather than being consumed by them and some silly number on some scale.


Filed under observation

8 responses to “scale

  1. Oh I hear you sweet one, loud but soft, clear and gentle, speaking Truth. I know these places the scale can drag us, begrudgingly. I know it well from family and past and a dance with one or two myself. There is freedom in release. Love to you, friend. Love being at The Run a Muck with you.

  2. Dearest Kim
    I was sooo… glad when I saw your link today at Amber’s. I appreciate your wisdom in helping your daughters develop healthy living habits. This being-thin monster destroys so many precious girls in its path!
    Much love XX

  3. Kim, I’m so grateful to read your words here again. I love what you say about your girls and all the ways you are shepherding them in health and allowing them the opportunities to see all their body can do that has not a thing to do with a number. “I hope they measure the joy in their life from being able to do as they wish as they run hard and jump high.” There is freedom here and a mother’s heart and the joy of girls on the verge of womanhood, and it makes my heart so glad.

  4. What an amazing role model you are. I need some of your confidence–will take some with me from this post. Have missed reading your words, so glad to be back at Amber’s. 🙂

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